when a tough problem needs a paradigm shift


BrainMicro LLC provides consultant services for science and education. Please CONTACT Dr. Ngô for his consultancy on projects that require creativity and integration to problem solve.


Curriculum Vitae


With his collaborators, Dr. Ngô recently produced four publications from his home office in New Haven. The 2017 Scientific Reports publication proposed a groundbreaking link between the brain parasite Toxoplasma and brain diseases and received wide media coverage.

BrainMicro LLC Publications.


Structural and functional divergence of the aldolase fold in Toxoplasma gondii.  Tonkin ML, Halavaty AS, Ramaswamy R, Ruan J, Igarashi, Ngô HM, Boulanger MJ.  J Mol Biol. 427:840-52.


The structure of bradyzoite-specific enolase from Toxoplasma gondii reveals insights into its dual cytoplasmic and nuclear functions. Ruan J, Mouveaux T, Light SH, Minasov G, Anderson WF, Tomavo S and Ngô HM.  Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 71:417-26.


Membrane skeletal association and post-translational allosteric regulation of Toxoplasma gondii GAPDH1. Dubey R, Staker BL, Foe IT, Bogyo M, Myler PJ, Ngô HM and Gubbels MJ. Mol. Microbiol. 103: 618-634, PDF reprint.

Toxoplasma Modulates Signature Pathways of Human Epilepsy, Neurodegeneration and Cancer.  Ngô HM, Zhou Y, Lorenzi H, Wang K, Kim TK, Zhou Y, El Bissati K, Mui E, Fracek L, Rajagopala SV, Roberts CW, Henriquez FL, Montpetit A, Blackwell JM, Jamieson SE, Hargrave A, Melo M, Saeij J, Wheeler K, Naranjo-Galvis C, Begeman IJ, Alliley-Rodriguez N, Davis RG, Soroceanu L, Cobb C, Steindler DA, Boyer K, Noble AG, Swisher CN, Heydemann PT, Rabiah P, Withers S, Soteropoulous P, Anderson WF, Hood L, and McLeod R. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 11496. 


CSGID Identifies Phenotypes and Solves Structures for Five Enzymes in Toxoplasma gondii. Lykins JD, Filippova EV, Halavaty AS, Minasov G, Zhou Y, Dubrovska I, Flores KJ, Shuvalova LA, Ruan J, El Bissati K, Dovgin S, Roberts CW, Woods S, Moulton JD, Moulton H, McPhillie MJ, Muench SP, Fishwick CWG, Sabini E, Shanmugam D, Roos DS, McLeod R, Anderson WF and Ngô HM (2018). Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 8:352.

See 'Brain Parasite Toxoplasma' and 'BrainParasiter Journal' for rationale and development of the model and disease links.

Page Drug Discovery explains the early strategy to find cures.

2. General Newsource

Beware of cats! Experts find link between cat parasites, neurological disorders.  By KJ Belonio, Blasting News, September 13, 2017.

Scientists Link 'Cat' Parasite To Common Neurological Disorders.  By George Dvorsky, Gizmodo. September 14, 2017.

Common cat-borne parasite implicated in epilepsy, cancers and brain diseases.  By Andrew Masterson, Cosmo, September 14, 2017.

Toxoplasma Parasite Linked To Neurodegeneration, Epilepsy & Cancer.  ReliaWire, by Bruce B. Vanderburg September 14, 2017.

Could your cat give you a deadly disease?  By Alexandra Thompson, Daily Mail, September 14, 2017.

Toxoplasma gondii: The mind-altering cat parasite might be more dangerous than we thought.  By Alan Martin, Alphr, September 14 2017.

New Research Shows Link Between Cat Parasites and Brain Diseases. By Daniel Starkey, Geek, September 18, 2017.

Un estudio vincula un parásito común en los gatos con enfermedades neurológicas como el alzhéimer.  By Matías S. Zavia, ES.Gizmodo,  September 13, 2017.

3. International Newsource

Toxoplasma parasite effects severely underestimated.  By Andrew Masterson. Sign of the Times, September 13 2017.

Mind-Altering Cat Parasite Just Got Linked to a Whole Lot of Neurological Disorders.  True Viral News, September 13, 2017

Beware of cats! Experts find link between cat parasites, neurological disorders.  By KJ Belonio, Blasting News, September 13, 2017


Norway:  Katteparasitten som kaprer celler og bidrar til hjernesykdommer.  By Marianne Nordahl, Research.no, September 27, 2017

Germany:  Toxoplasma gondii może być bardziej niebezpieczna niż sądzimy.  Autor: Mariusz Błoński, Kopalnia Wiedzy, 14 września, 2017.

Germany:  El verdadero peligro de tener gatos en casa. Sputnik, September 16, 2017.

Slovakia:  Parazity z mačiek môžu zvýšiť riziko Alzheimera aj rakoviny. Aktuality.sk, September 20, 2017.

Spain:  Tu gato también podría 'darte' alzhéimer: alerta sobre la toxoplasmosis.  By Azucena Martín, EL ESPAÑOL, September 19, 2017.

Italy:  Gatti e Toxoplasma: nuovi indizi su Alzheimer e disturbi neurologici.  Greenstyle.

Italy-Brazil:  Il gatto può trasmettere un parassita che può causare Alzheimer, Parkinson e cancro. Luigi Mondo, September 15, 2017.

Russia:  Encuentran un vínculo entre un parásito común en gatos y el cáncer en humanos.  RT Sepa Mas, September 14, 2017.

Russia:  Раскрыта главная опасность кошек для человека.  Lenta.ru, September 14, 2017.

Russia:  Контакт с кошками влияет на мозг человека. вчера, Ольга Рязанцева.

Russia:  Раскрыта главная опасность кошек для человека. Новости Mail.Ru, September 14, 2017.

Brazil:  Parasita transmitido por gatos amplifica doenças neurológicas. By Da redação, Veja, September 15, 2017.

Mexico:  Parásito en los gatos se relacionan con el alzheimer.  Por: Tomada de la Red, Frontera, September 17, 2017.

Bolivia:  No todos los gatos empeoran el alzheimer y la epilepsia en humanos.  Red One of Bolivia, September 17, 2017.

Venezuela:  Científicos detectan vínculo entre parásito de los gatos y cáncer en humanos.  El Luchador, Septiembre 14, 2017.

Chile:  Científicos detectan vínculo entre parásito de los gatos y cáncer en humanos.  Por Nathaly Lepe, Publimetro, Septiembre 14, 2017.

India:  Cat poop may cause cancer, says study.  Deccan Chronicle, September 16, 2017.

India:  Beware of cats! Your feline friend can give you cancer, say researchers. By Pinaz Kazi, International Business Times, India Edition, September 16, 2017.

India:  Cat faeces may cause cancer, Parkinson's disease, says study. The Asian Age, Sep 16, 2017.

Indonesia:  Parasit Otak yang Memperkuat Gangguan Neurologis Koran Jakarta, September 25, 2017.

Vietnam:  Ký sinh trùng này có thể khiến thần kinh con người bị rối loạn hoàn toàn.  By Bích Trâm, Soha, September 18, 2017.

Vietnam:  Ký sinh trùng có trong phân mèo có thể gây ung thư.  By Ngọc Quý, Báo Thanh Niên, September 17, 2017.

Kenya:  Beware of cats! Your feline friend can give you cancer. The Star, Kenya. September 16, 2017

Angola:  Gatos podem ser bastante perigosos. Jornal de Angola, September 19, 2017.

Syria:  Toxoplasma Parasite Linked To Neurodegeneration, Epilepsy & Cancer. Syria News Kit.